Earn money with your website? So there are plenty of ways to do that. In this article, I will discuss all the ways I have learned since I made money with my own website.

With the current market and how many people are active on the internet, it is not surprising that so many people already earn money with their website. Now you may only wonder how. I discuss all ways from easy to difficult and how you can implement them yourself to earn money with your website.

1. Make money with your website via Google Adsense
This is the simplest way to start making money through your website. Google Adsense is interesting for everyone who is just starting his website up to people who already have a lot of visitors (> 10,000 p / month). The more visitors you have on your website the more this way delivers. Although in practical terms this works in all ways, as long as the visitors are relevant.

Google Adsense is a way to place advertisements on your website from third parties. The big advantage is that Google selects the advertiser for you. This ensures that the relevance of the ad to the visitor is high and that it is often clicked on (= more income).

You earn a commission under the Pay Per Click (PPC) principle. The more people click on the ads, the more money you make with your website.

The yields per click vary a lot. This can partly depend on what your website is about. For example, if your website is about selling your house, there is a good chance that Google will show ads from real estate agents and they will pay a lot of money per click.

But if your website is about recipes, Google is likely showing ads from cookbooks, and those clicks are worth a lot less.

So it is important to be realistic in what Google Adsense can bring you. Therefore, here a calculation example in which you can estimate the different variables yourself.

Imagine you have had 10,000 website visitors in one month. The average Click Through Rate, which is the number of people who click on the ad, is 2%. Of this number of website visitors, 200 will click on your ad. Calculated with the average revenue per click, you have earned 40 euros in that month.

Sorry if I disappoint you with this, it will not make you very rich, but it is simple.

With Google Adsense almost everyone can make money with their website. Fortunately, this does not have to be your only form of income, there are of course more and better paid ways, so feel free to proceed to the next step.

Average Click Through Rate (CTR): 2%

Average Pay Per Click (PPC): € 0.20

2. Affiliate marketing to make money from your website
Also a pretty simple way to earn money with your website. But this way you get more. With affiliate marketing you do not get paid every time someone clicks on your ads, but every time someone buys something (Pay Per Sale).

On your website you place links or advertisements to relevant products or services via an affiliate network.

Then your website visitor clicks on one of the links or advertisements and purchases the product. The seller sees that this product is recommended by you and offers you a commission for it.

These commissions can be very high (up to 50% of the sales price) and so you can earn a lot of money with your website.

To start with affiliate marketing, you just have to join one of the many affiliate programs. In fact, every major online company has an affiliate program that you can join.

The most important thing here is that you choose one that matches the subject of your website. Relevant links increase the conversion and therefore your income.

I myself earn hundreds of euros per month through affiliate marketing on my websites. Primarily I use TradeTracker and Paypro as affiliate partners, but I am also active in several other networks. What I love about affiliate marketing is that it is a passive income.

Even when I do not post anything on my website, visitors keep coming and the links continue to be clicked. So I earn money while I don't have to do anything at the time.

Affiliate marketing is the way to make money with your website if you want to keep it simple. I mainly use it myself to build up a passive income on the side. I do notice that many people around me have difficulty implementing affiliate marketing on their own website. Just haphazardly placing something to the left has little effect. That only takes effort but does not yield anything yet.

So make sure you understand and apply all ins and outs. I myself now earn more than 1500 euros per month with affiliate marketing, but that did not happen automatically. Many trial and error especially.

3. Place ads on your website to make money
Of course you can also just get paid per advertisement on your website. This is possible, for example, when there are companies that are so close to your target group that they would like to advertise on your website.

Depending on the number of visitors to your website, this can save you a lot of money. Especially when you can conclude an agreement in which a company pays you monthly for this. After all, the visitors keep coming to your website and the advertisement will therefore continue to be seen again and again.

But how do you find companies that want to advertise with your website? First of all, it is good to place a page on your website where you let advertisers know that they can advertise with you.

If you have a well-visited website, you probably already have your first advertisers. Another way is to contact the most relevant companies yourself. You simply email them, let us know who your target group is and how many people visit your website every month.

Most companies are always looking for ways to promote their brand. A tip here is to mainly look for companies that are located in niche / specific markets. There you are more likely to succeed because the target group is then defined.

It is often difficult to determine what you can ask for an advertisement on your website. I would estimate an average of 100 euros per month for 10,000 visitors per advertiser. But it will also depend on the percentage of visitors who click on the banner or advertisement. To know that you will have to delve into Google Analytics, after all, the statistics are all present.

4. Make money with your website by allowing advertorials
If your website is mainly a blog, it may be interesting to allow advertorials. Which means; a sponsored blog post.

It is possible that you write these yourself, but also that the company supplies them completely. It is the most famous way of making money with a website, especially among bloggers.

An advertorial is nothing more than a blog post in which the name of a company appears once or a few times. Consider, for example, a company that makes websites that wants to publish an article about "getting more visitors on your website" on a website that has many visitors.

With advertorials it is of course also very important that your target group is the same as that of the advertorial, otherwise it is doomed to fail in advance.

An advertorial provides more name recognition for a company. In this way, a company can also show its expertise to potential customers. It is often the first step in the marketing funnel of companies.

For advertorials you can ask about the same as for advertisements. If you write the advertorial yourself, this amount is of course higher. As a copywriter, you charge around 75 euros per hour.

Finding companies for advertorials works the same as searching for advertisers. You can email relevant companies if they want an advertorial on your website and you can put a "collaborate" on your website containing your offer.

5. Make money with business listings on your website
This is almost the same strategy as advertisers but slightly different. In the setting of business listings, you let companies post a business listing on your website.

Say you have a website about getting married. Then you can ask all kinds of companies (wedding photographers, cake bakers, wedding dresses) if they want to be mentioned on your website. You ask for a monthly fee for that.

Especially when you tackle this in a big way and you mention many companies on your website, this can generate huge monthly income. You can usually find these companies by emailing them. But if you already have some business listings on your website, you will see that you automatically receive requests. After all, companies often look at where the competitor is listed.

A reason for a company to get a listing on your website may be because of the visitors who come to their own website.

This also has the great advantage that the website of the company will rank higher in Google as a result of which they will get more organic visitors (via Google search).

6. Make money with your own product or service
For those who want to earn real money with a website, it is best to sell their own product. Then your website is more of a webshop. Creating your own product doesn't have to be as difficult as you might think.

A product can also simply be an e-book. Or you can get started with your own video course. These types of online products are relatively easy to make and you can sell very well if you already have many visitors to your website.

The big advantage of selling your own product instead of someone else's is that you don't depend on anyone else. You also do not have to share the proceeds and you therefore earn more. Enough reasons to get started with your own product (or service) and to sell it via your website.

7. Make money by selling your website
Of course you can also earn money with your website by selling a website. I just don't see much in this myself. Unless your website has hundreds of thousands of visitors, you won't get that much for it.

It depends on which industry you are in and how well the website is already doing. Then the question is whether another party sees this and has the idea of making money with your website.

The only question then is why you would sell it and not just start making money yourself. You should certainly succeed with the above-mentioned methods!